How sponsored content boosts your brand

June 10, 2024

Among the nearly countless methods of marketing available today, sponsored content has proven to be one of the standouts. 

Sponsored content is paid promotional material that is cohesive with a media outlet’s other content. The format can vary greatly, from videos to infographics to articles. The intent is to blend marketing messaging with valuable, relevant information for the audience.  

Targeted reach

One of the key benefits is targeted audience reach. With sponsored content, a consumer is choosing to watch, read or listen because it is a topic that they’re interested in. You’re reaching people who are already at the consideration stage of the marketing funnel

For example: If you’re a butcher who sells wild boar, and your sponsored content is an article on the best ways to barbecue wild game, a person who clicks through to read it is almost certainly more likely to buy your product than someone who doesn’t eat meat. Through the article, you’re reaching a segment of people who are more likely to become a customer. 

Powerful storytelling

Sponsored content offers you more time and space than many other marketing methods. The longer format allows for more context or background, and can draw the audience into a story that they can relate to. 

It also presents the opportunity to deliver valuable information, without any obligation, on a topic that relates to your brand. This can position you as an authority on the topic. For example, a local jewellery store may partner with a media outlet on an article about lab-grown diamonds. The piece could include quotes from the store’s jeweller explaining the differences and similarities between lab-grown and natural diamonds.  

Increased search engine optimization

Google is frequently compared to a popularity contest, where millions of websites compete for top rankings, influenced by numerous factors. Amidst that competition, backlinks serve as a “vote of confidence” from one website to another, providing a strong signal of value to Google.

Backlinks are important for Search Engine Optimization (SEO), because they indicate to Google that another site considers your content valuable enough to link to it. Quality backlinks from reputable sources with a high domain authority signal to search engines that the content is trustworthy and relevant. This increased visibility can drive more organic traffic, fostering greater engagement and potential conversions.

Credibility and trust 

Presenting material curated by the content creation division of a reputable media outlet lends credibility to your messaging. Thoughtful, entertaining and articulate articles are seamlessly delivered to the audience from a brand they already trust for news or other information that is relevant to their lives.   

The client drives the content and has the ability to request changes prior to publication so their message is accurately delivered – as long as the requests align with the media outlet’s ethical and journalistic standards.

Best practices also require disclosure that the placement has been paid for, often through a “Sponsored Content” label in a prominent place. This is to avoid misleading consumers and to protect the integrity and credibility of the organization’s journalism.  


Sponsored content is most effective as part of a broader marketing strategy. Providing relevant and helpful information through sponsored content builds familiarity and trust in your brand, which can increase the impact of your other marketing tactics. 

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