How (and if) to use charitable giving in your marketing

November 28, 2023

January 19, 2024

As the holiday season approaches, the spirit of giving isn't just limited to individuals. Many companies, especially local businesses, play a crucial role in supporting charitable organizations through monetary or in-kind donations. Interestingly, most of this generosity isn't used for promotional purposes. However, there are instances where it makes sense to incorporate your company's and employees' charitable efforts into your marketing strategy.

Consumers often gravitate towards businesses that support causes they believe in. The 2015 Cone Communications Millennial CSR Study revealed a significant trend: over 90% of Millennials would switch to brands associated with a cause, with many willing to pay more for products that impact issues important to them.

However, merging your charitable spirit with advertising requires careful consideration. Here are some strategies to ensure your message resonates effectively:

Share the Spotlight: When mentioning your charitable contributions, also highlight the beneficiary organization's work. This approach not only elevates their profile but also amplifies the cause.

Find an Authentic Connection: Align your charitable efforts with the values of both your company and your customers. For instance, Patagonia, known for its environmental initiatives, effectively engages its nature-conscious consumer base through various campaigns and initiatives that reflect shared values.

Be Sincere: Select causes that genuinely resonate with you and your team. Consumers are perceptive and can detect insincerity, which could be counterproductive. Authentic support for a cause will more likely connect with your audience.

While numerous causes you support may not fit into your marketing strategy, selectively sharing your charitable efforts can enhance your brand, support a cause you care about, and provide your customers with another reason to connect with your business. Remember, some acts of generosity are valuable in their own right, without the need for publicity.

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